On 23/06/08 19:48, Ben Schmidt wrote:
> Mikael Jansson wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm not very familiar with the Vim code base, so I couldn't quite find
>> my way around, so I'm asking here instead:
>> Will the range for % (the entire file) always be 1 for line1 and
>> number-of-lines-in-file for line2?
> Yes.
> :tag do_one_cmd | /%
> There is a comment there, and if you scroll down a bit you will find.
>           if (*ea.cmd == '%')             /* '%' - all lines */
>           {
>               ++ea.cmd;
>               ea.line1 = 1;
>               ea.line2 = curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
>               ++ea.addr_count;
>           }
> Ben.

Before that :tag command works, you need to:

1. download the Vim source
2. make sure you have Exuberant Ctags installed (or at least a version 
of ctags which will execute correctly the command

ctags -I INIT+ --fields=+S *.c *.cpp if_perl.xs *.h

when run from the src directory).
3. run "make tags" from the top-level Makefile, or if you haven't got 
make, run the above ctags command in the src directory.
4. load one of the Vim source files into Vim. (running the same :tag 
command while looking at the Vim help, for instance, would try to find a 
help tag named do_one_cmd).

The above excerpt from the Vim code  _proves_ that :% means :1,$. If you 
aren't interested in the Vim source, :help :% _says_ that they are the 
same (it admittedly doesn't prove it, but if something like that had 
gone wrong for any length of time, either the help or the C code would 
have been changed to make them both reflect the intended behaviour).

Best regards,
"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us
with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forego their use."
                -- Galileo Galilei

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