On 28/06/08 08:08, Ingo Karkat wrote:
> On 28-Jun-08 4:53, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
>> On 28/06/08 04:30, John Little wrote:
>>>> Tony Mechelynck wrote:
>>>>> Is the following normal?
>>> <snip>
>>>>> rsync -avzcP --delete --exclude="/dos/" ftp.nluug.nl::Vim/runtime/
>>> Tony, that --delete on your rsync command on your web site is, well, a
>>> bit aggressive.  I use subversion and it was broken by that --delete
>>> because it trashed subversion's .svn directories. :(
>>> Regards, John
>> I don't know about subversion; but if you use subversion, with .svn
>> directories _below_ the Vim runtime directory in (let's say)
>> ~/build/vim/vim72a/runtime/ (this is in the directory tree "for building
>> Vim" not the directory tree where Vim runs after installation, where
>> there is no "runtime" subfolder), then why didn't you update your
>> runtimes using subversion rather than rsync? The above works perfectly
>> for someone like me, who gets his sources and patches by ftp. It is
>> supposed to make the .../vim72a/runtime folder and everything below it
>> an exact copy of Bram's master runtime files (with the exception of
>> runtime/dos/). If I need to avoid trashing some particular files (maybe
>> because they were just patched -- runtimes are rarely included in the
>> official patches, but sometimes they are -- and the new version hasn't
>> made it to the rsync repository), then I save a copy somewhere above
>> that runtime folder, and restore it afterwards.
>> Best regards,
>> Tony.
> Tony, the Subversion repository does not contain the latest runtime files, 
> only
> the version from that branch's original release (as runtime files usually 
> aren't
> patched).
> Though I didn't trash my Subversion folder, I hate the extra work to get the
> latest runtime (via rsync). Worse, after 'svn revert', the original runtime 
> gets
> restored, but with updated timestamps, so the next 'rsync --update' won't 
> update
> any of them. Why isn't there one cron job on the Subversion server that
> regularly rsync's the latest runtime into the repository?
> -- regards, ingo

You'll have to ask that from the Subversion repository maintainer. My 
guess (but it's only a guess) is that he keeps the Subversion repository 
in sync with the CVS repository (maybe via cron-weekly or some such) and 
that Bram only commits to CVS the files which are the object of an 
official patch; other runtime updates he uploads (I think) only to where 
ftp and rsync can get at them.

Best regards,
There is a natural hootchy-kootchy to a goldfish.
                -- Walt Disney

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