Ben Schmidt wrote:
>> Is it possible to get what I want?
> With a little jiggerypokery it should be! Perhaps something like
> gvim --remote-send "<C-\><C-N>:cfile build.log<CR>:call foreground()<CR>"
> You'd obviously want to wrap that in a shell script or alias...
> And there are other possibilities if that doesn't work... If you're on
> Windows, running remote_foreground() in the client might be better than
> running foreground() in the server, for instance; then you'd have to run
> a remote_send in the client, too, via a :call not using the
> --remote-send argument.

Err... I'll play with it, thanks! But I just realized that I don't like 
--remote-send since it doesn't create a new Vim instance in case when no 
server is running yet...

Keeping thinking and trying...

Alexei Alexandrov

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