On Thu, Aug 21, at 12:26 Robert Webb wrote:
> I could also use readfile(), which would probably suffice, but is this
> more or less efficient than loading a file into a vim buffer.  I will
> still need to read the whole file either way since I don't know how
> far through the file I will need to look.
>  Now if there was a searchfile() function, that would be handy :-)
> Eg, pass it a file name and a pattern to search for, and maybe the
> maximum number of matches, and a list of matching lines is returned.
> That way if the match is found early and you only ask for one, then
> vim wouldn't bother reading the rest of the file.

Here is a result of your thoughts.

function! Searchfile(file, pattern, ...)
    if exists("a:1")
        let matchlimit = a:1
        let matchlimit = 1
    let list = []
    let matches = 0
    for line in readfile(a:file)
        if match(line, a:pattern) != -1
            call add(list, line)
            let matches += 1
            if matches == matchlimit
    return list

> Rob.


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