Not sure what's going on here, but I've found a crash that's easy to
reproduce.  First, open two X11 enabled vim (not gvim) processes.  In
the first, do:
:let @+ = repeat('a', 1024*1024)
in order to store 1MB of data to the clipboard.  The exact amount is
irrelevant, but the larger the size, the more often it will lead to a

Then, in the second vim instance, repeatedly do ":reg +" and see what
gets displayed.  Depending upon the amount of data that you put on the
clipboard, as well as upon some other factor I'm not seeing, this will
either a) show a bunch of a's in register +, b) not show any
registers, as though register + didn't exist, or c) cause the vim in
which you copied to segfault, and the vim in which you're trying to
display the register to enter a tight loop wasting a lot of CPU and
only dying for kill -9.  Just try the command 5 or so times and you
should see a segfault - as well as the missing-register behavior.  If
you don't get the segfault at all, try upping the amount of data
stored to the clipboard.  If you get the segfault, but not the
missing-register behavior, try lowering the amount of data stored to
the clipboard.  And if you can't reproduce either, that might help to
pin down what exactly causes this.

I can reproduce this on both a vim linked with the GTK2-Gnome gui, and
one linked with the X11-Motif gui, so it doesn't seem to be something
gnome-specific, either.  This is vim 7.2.

Let me know if we need more details.


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