On 10/09/08 04:15, John Beckett wrote:
> Vadim Zeitlin wrote:
>> So, for example, opening a file "Аня.vcf" opens the file
>> "???.vcf" on my English Windows system.
> Tony's advice about encoding might fix the situation. I have the following in 
> my
> vimrc:
> set encoding=utf-8
> and can open a file with the name you mentioned on Windows. The font I'm using
> displays squares for the file name characters, but the window title is 
> correct.
> John

Beware that if your keyboard includes some characters which aren't 
strict 7-bit US-ASCII, the above ":set" line (used alone) will probably 
make them unusable, especially in Console Vim but also in some GUI 
versions (including, I think, Windows), unless you take special care of 
those characters. This is what I use:

if has('multi_byte')                   " multibyte features compiled-in
   if &encoding !~? '^u'                " the OS locale is not Unicode
     if &termencoding == ''             " empty means 'use &enc'
       let &termencoding = &encoding    " avoid clobbering keyboard codes
     set encoding=utf-8 " we can do it, now that the kb is taken care of
   set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,latin1 " heuristics for existing files
   setglobal bomb fileencoding=latin1   " defaults for new files
                      " 'bomb' doesn't apply to latin1
                      " it applies when 'fenc' is manually set to Unicode

The ":setglobal" line is optional, it is a question of personal 
preference. In the 'fileencodings' (plural) setting, ucs-bom should be 
first, and an 8-bit value should be last (because anything after the 
first 8-bit value is never used).

Best regards,
Pure drivel tends to drive ordinary drivel off the TV screen.

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