Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> Patch 7.2.020
> Problem:    Starting the GUI when the executable starts with 'k', but the KDE
>           version no longer exists.
> Solution:   Don't have "kvim" start the GUI.
> Files:            src/main.c
> *** ../vim-7.2.019/src/main.c Thu Jul 24 19:34:23 2008
> --- src/main.c        Sun Sep 14 13:26:10 2008
> ***************
> *** 1457,1463 ****
>       ++initstr;
>       }
> !     if (TOLOWER_ASC(initstr[0]) == 'g' || initstr[0] == 'k')
>       {
>       main_start_gui();
>   #ifdef FEAT_GUI
> --- 1458,1465 ----
>       ++initstr;
>       }
> !     /* "gvim" starts the GUI.  Also accept "Gvim" for MS-Windows. */
> !     if (TOLOWER_ASC(initstr[0]) == 'g')
>       {
>       main_start_gui();
>   #ifdef FEAT_GUI
> *** ../vim-7.2.019/src/version.c      Thu Sep 18 12:43:21 2008
> --- src/version.c     Thu Sep 18 20:54:10 2008
> ***************
> *** 678,679 ****
> --- 678,681 ----
>   {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
> + /**/
> +     20,
>   /**/
Looks like there's a conflict between the v:oldfiles patch and #19,20:

patching file src/ex_cmds.h
Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected!  Assume -R? [n]
Apply anyway? [n]
Skipping patch.
2 out of 2 hunks ignored -- saving rejects to file src/ex_cmds.h.rej
patching file src/ex_docmd.c
Hunk #2 FAILED at 2979.
Hunk #3 succeeded at 9509 (offset 1 line).
1 out of 4 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file src/ex_docmd.c.rej

Don't you just love "bit-rot"?  :O

Chip Campbell

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