Attached patch fixes a few minor errors in vim help files.
Diff is against latest version available at

-- Dominique

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*** /home/pel/sb/vim-runtime/doc/cmdline.txt	2008-12-01 21:32:36.000000000 +0100
--- runtime/doc/cmdline.txt	2008-12-17 01:42:26.000000000 +0100
*** 1020,1026 ****
  The command-line window cannot be used:
  - when there already is a command-line window (no nesting)
! - for entering a encryption key or when using inputsecret()
  - when Vim was not compiled with the +vertsplit feature
  Some options are set when the command-line window is opened:
--- 1020,1026 ----
  The command-line window cannot be used:
  - when there already is a command-line window (no nesting)
! - for entering an encryption key or when using inputsecret()
  - when Vim was not compiled with the +vertsplit feature
  Some options are set when the command-line window is opened:
*** /home/pel/sb/vim-runtime/doc/develop.txt	2008-08-11 20:47:18.000000000 +0200
--- runtime/doc/develop.txt	2008-12-08 21:17:44.000000000 +0100
*** 64,70 ****
    hard time finding and remembering them.  Keep in mind that more commands and
    options will be added later.
  - A feature that people do not know about is a useless feature.  Don't add
!   obscure features, or at least add hints in documentation that they exists.
  - Minimize using CTRL and other modifiers, they are more difficult to type.
  - There are many first-time and inexperienced Vim users.  Make it easy for
    them to start using Vim and learn more over time.
--- 64,70 ----
    hard time finding and remembering them.  Keep in mind that more commands and
    options will be added later.
  - A feature that people do not know about is a useless feature.  Don't add
!   obscure features, or at least add hints in documentation that they exist.
  - Minimize using CTRL and other modifiers, they are more difficult to type.
  - There are many first-time and inexperienced Vim users.  Make it easy for
    them to start using Vim and learn more over time.
*** 323,329 ****
  OK:	var = a * 5;
  In general: Use empty lines to group lines of code together.  Put a comment
! just above the group of lines.  This makes it more easy to quickly see what is
  being done.
  OK:	/* Prepare for building the table. */
--- 323,329 ----
  OK:	var = a * 5;
  In general: Use empty lines to group lines of code together.  Put a comment
! just above the group of lines.  This makes it easier to quickly see what is
  being done.
  OK:	/* Prepare for building the table. */
*** /home/pel/sb/vim-runtime/doc/eval.txt	2008-12-08 22:08:46.000000000 +0100
--- runtime/doc/eval.txt	2008-12-17 01:32:45.000000000 +0100
*** 3586,3592 ****
  		above the first item a negative number is returned.  When
  		clicking on the prompt one more than the length of {textlist}
  		is returned.
! 		Make sure {textlist} has less then 'lines' entries, otherwise
  		it won't work.	It's a good idea to put the entry number at
  		the start of the string.  And put a prompt in the first item.
  		Example: >
--- 3586,3592 ----
  		above the first item a negative number is returned.  When
  		clicking on the prompt one more than the length of {textlist}
  		is returned.
! 		Make sure {textlist} has less than 'lines' entries, otherwise
  		it won't work.	It's a good idea to put the entry number at
  		the start of the string.  And put a prompt in the first item.
  		Example: >
*** /home/pel/sb/vim-runtime/doc/os_390.txt	2008-08-11 20:47:37.000000000 +0200
--- runtime/doc/os_390.txt	2008-12-07 13:38:33.000000000 +0100
*** 282,288 ****
    I grepped through the source and examined every spot with a character
!   involved in a operation (+-).  I hope I now found all EBCDIC/ASCII
    stuff, but ....
--- 282,288 ----
    I grepped through the source and examined every spot with a character
!   involved in an operation (+-).  I hope I now found all EBCDIC/ASCII
    stuff, but ....
*** 311,317 ****
  	- added special compiler and linker options if building with X11
      - configure:
  	- after created via autoconf hand-edited it to make the test for
! 	  ICEConnectionNumber work.  This is a autoconf problem.  OS/390 UNIX
  	  needs -lX11 for this.
      - Makefile
  	- Don't include the lib directories ('-L...') into the variable
--- 311,317 ----
  	- added special compiler and linker options if building with X11
      - configure:
  	- after created via autoconf hand-edited it to make the test for
! 	  ICEConnectionNumber work.  This is an autoconf problem.  OS/390 UNIX
  	  needs -lX11 for this.
      - Makefile
  	- Don't include the lib directories ('-L...') into the variable
*** /home/pel/sb/vim-runtime/doc/os_vms.txt	2008-09-06 14:19:58.000000000 +0200
--- runtime/doc/os_vms.txt	2008-12-17 01:36:27.000000000 +0100
*** 418,424 ****
  	$ end:
  Note: Never use it in a clustered environment (you do not need it), loading
! could be very-very slow, but even faster then a local Emacs. :-)
  (Zoltan Arpadffy, Vim 5.6)
--- 418,424 ----
  	$ end:
  Note: Never use it in a clustered environment (you do not need it), loading
! could be very-very slow, but even faster than a local Emacs. :-)
  (Zoltan Arpadffy, Vim 5.6)
*** /home/pel/sb/vim-runtime/doc/print.txt	2008-08-11 20:46:47.000000000 +0200
--- runtime/doc/print.txt	2008-12-08 21:07:17.000000000 +0100
*** 704,710 **** with your platform's print command.  All the even pages should now
  appear on the back of the odd pages.
! There a couple of points to bear in mind:
  1. Position of the first page.  If the first page is on top of the printout
     when printing the odd pages then you need to reverse the order that the odd
--- 704,710 ---- with your platform's print command.  All the even pages should now
  appear on the back of the odd pages.
! There are a couple of points to bear in mind:
  1. Position of the first page.  If the first page is on top of the printout
     when printing the odd pages then you need to reverse the order that the odd
*** /home/pel/sb/vim-runtime/doc/version5.txt	2008-08-11 20:47:37.000000000 +0200
--- runtime/doc/version5.txt	2008-12-07 13:41:24.000000000 +0100
*** 460,469 ****
  Regular expression patterns				*added-regexp*
! Added specifying a range for the number of matches of a atom: "\{a,b}". |/\{|
  Added the "shortest match" regexp "\{-}" (Webb).
! Added "\s", matches a white character.  Can replace "[ \t]".		|/\s|
! Added "\S", matches a non-white character.  Can replace "[^ \t]".	|/\S|
  Overloaded tags						*tag-overloaded*
--- 460,469 ----
  Regular expression patterns				*added-regexp*
! Added specifying a range for the number of matches of an atom: "\{a,b}". |/\{|
  Added the "shortest match" regexp "\{-}" (Webb).
! Added "\s", matches a white character.  Can replace "[ \t]".		 |/\s|
! Added "\S", matches a non-white character.  Can replace "[^ \t]".	 |/\S|
  Overloaded tags						*tag-overloaded*
*** /home/pel/sb/vim-runtime/doc/version7.txt	2008-09-06 14:19:37.000000000 +0200
--- runtime/doc/version7.txt	2008-12-17 01:39:02.000000000 +0100
*** 1868,1874 ****
  Win32: Cannot edit a file starting with # with --remote.  Do escape % and #
  when building the ":drop" command.
! A comment or | just after a expression-backtick argument was not recognized.
  E.g. in :e `="foo"`"comment.
  "(" does not stop at an empty sentence (single dot and white space) while ")"
--- 1868,1874 ----
  Win32: Cannot edit a file starting with # with --remote.  Do escape % and #
  when building the ":drop" command.
! A comment or | just after an expression-backtick argument was not recognized.
  E.g. in :e `="foo"`"comment.
  "(" does not stop at an empty sentence (single dot and white space) while ")"
*** /home/pel/sb/vim-runtime/vimrc_example.vim	2008-07-02 22:17:21.000000000 +0200
--- runtime/vimrc_example.vim	2008-12-07 13:08:23.000000000 +0100
*** 14,20 ****
! " Use Vim settings, rather then Vi settings (much better!).
  " This must be first, because it changes other options as a side effect.
  set nocompatible
--- 14,20 ----
! " Use Vim settings, rather than Vi settings (much better!).
  " This must be first, because it changes other options as a side effect.
  set nocompatible

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