
Attached patch fixes a low priority cosmetic bug.

When doing ":cs help", messages are properly aligned
in English but are misaligned on some other languages
when using utf-8 encoding. So it looks ugly.

Misalignment buglet happens in languages which uses
non ASCII characters and happens at least for French
and Esperanto for example because of accentuated

The problem happens because cs_help() in if_cscope.c
uses "%-30s" format to align text but "%-30s" prints
strings on 30 *bytes* rather than 30 characters (or
30 screen cells to be more exact).

Attached patch fixes it.

See screenshot before fix (notice how strings are misaligned):

And after fix (strings correctly aligned):

-- Dominique

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Index: if_cscope.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/vim/vim7/src/if_cscope.c,v
retrieving revision 1.32
diff -c -r1.32 if_cscope.c
*** if_cscope.c	25 Aug 2008 02:35:59 -0000	1.32
--- if_cscope.c	17 Jan 2009 22:29:26 -0000
*** 1177,1184 ****
      (void)MSG_PUTS(_("cscope commands:\n"));
      while (cmdp->name != NULL)
! 	(void)smsg((char_u *)_("%-5s: %-30s (Usage: %s)"),
! 				      cmdp->name, _(cmdp->help), cmdp->usage);
  	if (strcmp(cmdp->name, "find") == 0)
  		       "       c: Find functions calling this function\n"
--- 1177,1192 ----
      (void)MSG_PUTS(_("cscope commands:\n"));
      while (cmdp->name != NULL)
! 	char *help = _(cmdp->help);
! 	int sz = vim_strsize((char_u *)help);
! 	int space_cnt = 30 - sz;
! 	if (space_cnt < 0)
! 	    space_cnt = 0;
! 	/* Use %*s rather than %30s to ensure proper alignment in utf-8 */
! 	(void)smsg((char_u *)_("%-5s: %s%*s (Usage: %s)"),
! 				      cmdp->name,
! 				      help, space_cnt, " ",
! 				      cmdp->usage);
  	if (strcmp(cmdp->name, "find") == 0)
  		       "       c: Find functions calling this function\n"

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