On 19/01/09 14:46, Anycase Mike wrote:
> Hiya,all
> Once I complied the gVim7.2 and edit the source codes of gVim7.2 in
> Windows XP with MingW.
> What i want is to let the gVim supports all system fonts.For example:
> :set guifont=Dungeon:h9
> I success in compiling the codes,But the font look ugly....
> What I may do to let the font look beautifull!
> Many thanks...

Currently, gvim for GTK2 (on Unix-like OSes) can use any font installed 
on the system, but if the font is not monospaced (i.e., if its glyphs 
are not all the same width), the result will be ugly. That's because 
gvim (and Vim in general) uses a fixed-size character cell (which, in 
gvim, may vary from one font to another). If the font is not monospaced, 
glyphs narrower than the cell will be "spaced out" with 
background-colored "empty" pixels and/or glyphs wider than the cell (or 
than twice the cell in the case of "wide" CJK characters) will be cut 
off at the cell border. The only solution is to choose a different font.

Other gvim flavours will only accept 'guifont' values which designate a 
monospaced font. If you hack the code to accept any font, you'll get the 
same ugly results as described above if you try to use a variable-width 
font. That's no fault of gvim, it's your fault, for trying to use an 
unsuitable font.

Best regards,
"The rights you have are the rights given you by this Committee [the
House Un-American Activities Committee].  We will determine what rights
you have and what rights you have not got."
                -- J. Parnell Thomas

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