On 20/02/09 05:45, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> Nikola Knezevic wrote:
>> On 18 Feb 2009, at 03:30 , Matt Wozniski wrote:
>>> I agree with this, leave the message as is.
>>>>> I'm actually not sure if adding "f" to go a screen down is helpful.
>> Slightly off-topic...
>> Is it possible to add '/' to more-prompt, thus making it more 'less-
>> prompt'? This would be especially useful in lengthy cscope listings.
> The prompt is given halfway listing something.  The caller of the
> function that displays the message and presents the prompt is not aware
> of the prompt.  It's not easy to handle a search string here.  And it's
> not clear when to stop searching.
> So, yes it's possible, but difficult to implement in a reliable way.

Searching should be limited to the extent of the displayed text to which 
the more-prompt applies; this is in itself a new functionality, maybe 
(or maybe not) worth a new has() feature which could be 
included/excluded at compile-time. Searching backward with ? might be 
possible, from the more prompt to (at most) the first line to which 
more-prompt commands will accept to scroll. For scrolling forward with / 
the whole text displayed must be inspected "on the fly" and let run -- 
until when? Maybe (if not found) until the hit-enter-prompt is about to 
give control back to the user?

Best regards,
In Boston, it is illegal to hold frog-jumping contests in nightclubs.

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