Tom Link wrote:
>> However I've made a different design choice: my plugin acts as a
>> preprocessor. Thanks to that, I'm able to know the line where an
>> assertion failure occurred
> Cool.
>> BTW, tAssert provides convenience functions that my script don't (yet?).
>> At first, I wondered if both plugins should be merged.
> IMHO they serve different purposes. Although tassert was initially
> meant to work as a unit testing framework, I then was more interested
> in sprinkling the code with assertions that could easily be turned
> off. But with a DbC-related plugin, you'd always want to load it on
> startup during (informal) testing. A unit-testing plugin on the other
> hand, you'd probably want to load only before running the test, I
> suppose. So, a DbC plugin should load fast, a UT-plugin doesn't
> necessarily have to. This is also the reason why I'd rather prefer to
> strip down my tassert plugin and to leave only the TAssert command and
> some utility functions in it.
> There is some overlap of course since the utility functions you
> mentioned are useful in both contexts. Maybe those functions should go
> in a shared autoload file?
> One main challenge with a unit testing framework for vim scripts
> actually is, as Ingo Karkat pointed out, the utility functions it
> provides. IMHO these functions should not only be able to test for
> buffer content after a defined series of simulated key presses (via
> feedkey()) but also something like window layout etc. It would also be
> interesting to combine such a UT plugin with something like Charles
> Campbell's PluginKiller[1] to make sure that the results are the same
> with different sets of option values. I think CC's plugin is quite
> interesting in this respect but I personally don't think it's very
> practical to manually simulate all different kinds of user
> interactions repeatedly with different settings. AFAIK PluginKiller
> doesn't automate (record & replay) this process, does it?
I think that one can already do a keystroke recording and playback (qa 
... q @a, for example),
so I don't have PK automating that process.  What'd be great would be to 
combine that playback
with the ability to determine if the plugin behaved correctly or not -- 
but I don't see any way to
generically accomplish that.  Certainly the notion of TAssert could be 
used to give a partial
feedback of that sort.

Chip Campbell

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