Ben Fritz wrote:

> :help CTRL-U includes the following:
>               Note: if the command-line becomes empty with one of the
>               delete commands, Command-line mode is quit.
> Neither <C-U> nor <C-W> do this, although <BS> and <Del> do. I
> recommend deleting this text from the c_CTRL-U entry and adding "if
> this command is used on an empty command line, Command-line mode is
> quit" to the entries for c_<BS> and c_<Del>.

I guess this is a leftover from old times.  I'll remove it.
Thanks for noticing.

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
126. You brag to all of your friends about your date Saturday night...but
     you don't tell them it was only in a chat room.

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