Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> Dominique Pelle wrote:
>> I notice that I cannot compile latest Vim-7.2.166 with +hangul_input
>> feature on Linux x86.
>> In ":help hangul" it says to configure Vim as follows:
>> ./configure --with-x --enable-multibyte --enable-fontset --enable-hangulinput
>> But when doing that, I get a link error when trying to link Vim:
>>   objects/gui.o: In function `gui_update_cursor':
>>   /tmp/vim7/src/gui.c:964: undefined reference to `preedit_get_status'

Sorry for the regression.  The patch below fixes the error.

hangulin.c provides its own im_get_status().


diff --git a/src/gui.c b/src/gui.c
index bcc3c68..34806e6 100644
--- a/src/gui.c
+++ b/src/gui.c
@@ -960,7 +960,7 @@ gui_update_cursor(force, clear_selection)
                 guicolor_T fg, bg;

                 if (
-# ifdef HAVE_GTK2
+# if defined(HAVE_GTK2) && !defined(FEAT_HANGULIN)
  # else

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