Tom Link wrote:
>> It should be <>
> This isn't the wiki though it once referred to. It seems to
> be rather related to the #vim IRC channel, isn't it?

Thanks for alerting me because there were two usages of .com on
the wiki ( which I have just fixed.

Robert Melton (Metacosm) runs the #vim IRC channel on Freenode
and the site. In February 2008 he transferred 35
pages from his site to the Vim Tips wiki. Anyone interested can
see the list here:

The .com site must have worked at that time because I checked
all the links (and two of them used .com, while several others
used .org; I possibly never noticed that point). is now for #vim, although Metacosm still
has several pages of general Vim info, with links to the Vim
Tips wiki (the tips listed at the 200802 URL above).


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