I was editing a mapping I have that starts with <C-\><C-O>, and wanted
to change it to just <C-O>. So, I put my cursor on the first '-' and
typed, da< hoping to delete just <C-\>. I discovered that the
backslash acts as an escape character for the text object, and I ended
up deleting most of my buffer (until it found an unmatched >). No
harm, just had to press 'u', but the behavior surprised me.

I understand the usefulness of escaping things like double quotes, but
I don't believe I've ever seen a syntax where '\' escapes a '>'. I
believe there are few where it also escapes a single quote. Perhaps
this is common code, though?

So, not necessarily a bug...I was just wondering if this behavior was
intentional. If so, it should probably be documented in :help text-

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