On the vim user mailing list, Benjamin R. Haskell explained the issue:

  > On Sat, 27 Feb 2010, Suresh Govindachar wrote:
  >> I tried 3 ways to install "vim-with-everything" on Fedora Core 8, but
  >> failed:
  >>   Attempt 1) vim-7.2.tar.bz2 - typing make resulted in the following
  >>   error:
  >> [...]
  >>     checking for tgetent()... configure: error: NOT FOUND!
  >>           You need to install a terminal library; for example ncurses.
  >>           Or specify the name of the library with --with-tlib.
  > Generally, to compile software on RPM-based distributions, you need to
  > install '-dev' or '-devel' packages for things that are normally installed
  > as binaries.
  > So, you might have 'curses' or 'ncurses' installed, but you also need
  > 'curses-devel' or 'ncurses-dev' (I don't know the correct name).
  > You'll probably need several such packages. [...]

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