Tom Link wrote:
In my experience the major problem with running external apps like
those listed above is filenames -- e.g. when I use cygwin tools from
windows gvim or when I want to use the same code to run an executable
on linux and windows etc. I don't consider the cmd window a major
problem since it's often minimized anyway.

IMHO a "portable way" would have to include a way to filter filenames
(e.g. when using cygwin, I'd like to pass them to cygpath -u before
running the command). Such a function call could then look like:
call foo#fexecute('%x -9 %f', 'gzip', expand('%')), where %f expands
to a filename,

I haven't had much trouble with filenames personally, as long as I stick to forward slashes (which work on Windows) instead of backslashes (which don't work on anything but Windows) and don't mangle user-provided pathnames starting with drive letters on Windows. Could you be more specific in what can go wrong?!

 - Peter Odding

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