From: Benjamin R. Haskell <>

I often find myself trying to figure out what function performs a certain
function.  Particularly for list- and dictionary-functions, I consistently
found myself unable to get back to the 'List manipulation' and 'Dictionary
manipulation' subsections of *function-list*.  So, this patch adds tags for all
of the subsections.

I know 'git' much better than 'hg', so that's what I used.  If someone can
succinctly explain how to email a changeset in hg, I can resend.

Also, usr_41.txt uses tabs for indentation, so, if anything is 'off', let me
know what the preferred ts/sts/sw/et settings are.


 runtime/doc/usr_41.txt |   22 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/runtime/doc/usr_41.txt b/runtime/doc/usr_41.txt
index 4344fc1..ef1f377 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/usr_41.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/usr_41.txt
@@ -576,6 +576,7 @@ There are many functions.  We will mention them here, 
grouped by what they are
 used for.  You can find an alphabetical list here: |functions|.  Use CTRL-] on
 the function name to jump to detailed help on it.
+                                                       *string-functions*
 String manipulation:
        nr2char()               get a character by its ASCII value
        char2nr()               get ASCII value of a character
@@ -605,6 +606,7 @@ String manipulation:
        repeat()                repeat a string multiple times
        eval()                  evaluate a string expression
+                                                       *list-functions*
 List manipulation:
        get()                   get an item without error for wrong index
        len()                   number of items in a List
@@ -630,6 +632,7 @@ List manipulation:
        count()                 count number of times a value appears in a List
        repeat()                repeat a List multiple times
+                                                       *dictionary-functions*
 Dictionary manipulation:
        get()                   get an entry without an error for a wrong key
        len()                   number of entries in a Dictionary
@@ -649,6 +652,7 @@ Dictionary manipulation:
        min()                   minimum value in a Dictionary
        count()                 count number of times a value appears
+                                               *floating-point-functions*
 Floating point computation:
        float2nr()              convert Float to Number
        abs()                   absolute value (also works for Number)
@@ -663,6 +667,7 @@ Floating point computation:
        cos()                   cosine
        atan()                  arc tangent
+                                                       *variable-functions*
        type()                  type of a variable
        islocked()              check if a variable is locked
@@ -677,6 +682,7 @@ Variables:
        settabwinvar()          set a variable in a specific window & tab page
        garbagecollect()        possibly free memory
+                                       *cursor-functions* *mark-functions*
 Cursor and mark position:
        col()                   column number of the cursor or a mark
        virtcol()               screen column of the cursor or a mark
@@ -690,6 +696,7 @@ Cursor and mark position:
        line2byte()             byte count at a specific line
        diff_filler()           get the number of filler lines above a line
+                                                       *buffer-text-functions*
 Working with text in the current buffer:
        getline()               get a line or list of lines from the buffer
        setline()               replace a line in the buffer
@@ -705,6 +712,7 @@ Working with text in the current buffer:
        searchpairpos()         find the other end of a start/skip/end
        searchdecl()            search for the declaration of a name
+                                       *system-functions* *file-functions*
 System functions and manipulation of files:
        glob()                  expand wildcards
        globpath()              expand wildcards in a number of directories
@@ -732,6 +740,7 @@ System functions and manipulation of files:
        readfile()              read a file into a List of lines
        writefile()             write a List of lines into a file
+                                       *date-functions* *time-functions*
 Date and Time:
        getftime()              get last modification time of a file
        localtime()             get current time in seconds
@@ -739,6 +748,7 @@ Date and Time:
        reltime()               get the current or elapsed time accurately
        reltimestr()            convert reltime() result to a string
+               *buffer-functions* *window-functions* *argument-functions*
 Buffers, windows and the argument list:
        argc()                  number of entries in the argument list
        argidx()                current position in the argument list
@@ -756,24 +766,28 @@ Buffers, windows and the argument list:
        winbufnr()              get the buffer number of a specific window
        getbufline()            get a list of lines from the specified buffer
+                                               *command-line-functions*
 Command line:
        getcmdline()            get the current command line
        getcmdpos()             get position of the cursor in the command line
        setcmdpos()             set position of the cursor in the command line
        getcmdtype()            return the current command-line type
+                               *quickfix-functions* *location-list-functions*
 Quickfix and location lists:
        getqflist()             list of quickfix errors
        setqflist()             modify a quickfix list
        getloclist()            list of location list items
        setloclist()            modify a location list
+                                       *insert-mode-completion-functions*
 Insert mode completion:
        complete()              set found matches
        complete_add()          add to found matches
        complete_check()        check if completion should be aborted
        pumvisible()            check if the popup menu is displayed
+                                                       *folding-functions*
        foldclosed()            check for a closed fold at a specific line
        foldclosedend()         like foldclosed() but return the last line
@@ -781,6 +795,7 @@ Folding:
        foldtext()              generate the line displayed for a closed fold
        foldtextresult()        get the text displayed for a closed fold
+                               *syntax-functions* *highlighting-functions*
 Syntax and highlighting:
        clearmatches()          clear all matches defined by |matchadd()| and
                                the |:match| commands
@@ -799,17 +814,20 @@ Syntax and highlighting:
        setmatches()            restore a list of matches saved by
+                                                       *spelling-functions*
        spellbadword()          locate badly spelled word at or after cursor
        spellsuggest()          return suggested spelling corrections
        soundfold()             return the sound-a-like equivalent of a word
+                                                       *history-functions*
        histadd()               add an item to a history
        histdel()               delete an item from a history
        histget()               get an item from a history
        histnr()                get highest index of a history list
+                                               *interactive-functions*
        browse()                put up a file requester
        browsedir()             put up a directory requester
@@ -824,11 +842,13 @@ Interactive:
        inputsave()             save and clear typeahead
        inputrestore()          restore typeahead
+                                                       *gui-functions*
        getfontname()           get name of current font being used
        getwinposx()            X position of the GUI Vim window
        getwinposy()            Y position of the GUI Vim window
+                                               *vim-server-functions*
 Vim server:
        serverlist()            return the list of server names
        remote_send()           send command characters to a Vim server
@@ -839,6 +859,7 @@ Vim server:
        foreground()            move the Vim window to the foreground
        remote_foreground()     move the Vim server window to the foreground
+                       *window-size-functions* *window-position-functions*
 Window size and position:
        winheight()             get height of a specific window
        winwidth()              get width of a specific window
@@ -846,6 +867,7 @@ Window size and position:
        winsaveview()           get view of current window
        winrestview()           restore saved view of current window
+                                                       *various-functions*
        mode()                  get current editing mode
        visualmode()            last visual mode used

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