I'm trying to tune the behavior of :grep.

The things I'm trying to fix, and the solutions I have, if any:

   1.  Don't like the big list vim spits up (solution: use silent command)

   2.  Don't want to auto-jump to first match (no solution yet)

   3.  Want context (--context option to grep) (solution: add --context
        (to 'grepprg' and %f-%l- to grepformat so :copen buffer lines are
        justified consistently)

   4. Unfortunately, doing 3 solution causes context lines to be considered
       matches by vim (no easy solution)

   5. Want :copen to happen automatically after grep (solution: use custom
       command and function).

   6. Want :match called automatically in Quickfix buffer for searched pattern
       (solution: use custom command and function).

   7. Actually, solution to 6 isn't quite what I want, I'd like it to
behave as if I
       typed '/<pat>' in quickfix so n, N, etc. work (no solution yet).

   8. From command line, I often refilter grep output (e.g.
       grep --with-filename foo | grep --invert-match 'foo\.autogenerated')
       I would like to be able to do this from within vim.  For this
the secondary
       filter is usually simple so I don't care if its vim regex
rather than POSIX/perl
       I'm used to that external grep provides). (no solution yet).

The code that implements the above partial solutions is shown below.

It looks like some of the remaining problems 3/4 and 8 could be addressed
using filter (!) or just rewriting the buffer, but I guess changing the Quickfix
buffer contents might break other things?

Any ideas greatly appreciated.

And the code:

set grepprg+=\ --exclude=tags\ --binary-files=without-match\ --extended-regexp
  \\ --context=1\ "
set grepformat+=,%f-%l-%m,%f-%l-

nnoremap ;g :MyGrep
command! -nargs=+ -complete=tag_listfiles MyGrep :call MyGrepFunction(<q-args>)
function! MyGrepFunction (grepArgs)
if has('perl')
        perl MyGrepFunction_perl
        if exists('retVal')
                throw "unexpected return value"
                return retVal
        echo("Sorry, perl support is not compiled into this copy of vim.")
if has('perl')
perl <<EOF
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Handle;
# Takes: a string consisting of a grep pattern and file(s) arguments, and/or -r
# Affects: splits open a new grep results buffer, possible display error message
# Returns: nothing
sub MyGrepFunction_perl
    my $ga = VIM::Eval("a:grepArgs");   # Grep args.

    # For debugging.
    open(MY_GREP_FUNCTION_LOG, ">/tmp/my_grep_function_log") or die;
    print MY_GREP_FUNCTION_LOG "log opened\n";
    print MY_GREP_FUNCTION_LOG "argument string: '".$ga."'\n";

    my @sa = split(' ', $ga);   # Split arguments

    my $pat = shift(@sa);   # Pattern
    my $oa = join(' ', @sa);   # Other arguments

    VIM::DoCommand("execute 'silent grep \"$pat\" $oa' | copen 33");
    VIM::DoCommand("match Search /$pat/");

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