Jakson Aquino wrote:

> The Portuguese dictionaries downloaded by runtime/spell/pt/main.aap
> are outdated. The attached patch fix this and I hope the patch is
> ok...
> The European Portuguese list of words has additional information about
> the grammatical category of the words, as in the lines below:
> abarrotar/XYPLM [CAT=3Dv,T=3Dinf,TR=3Dt]
> abastan=E7a       [CAT=3Dnc,G=3Df,N=3Ds]
> abastardar/XYPLM        [CAT=3Dv,T=3Dinf,TR=3Dt]
> I had to delete this information with "%s/\t.*//" because :mkspell
> wasn't catching words which didn't have suffix rules. Example: among
> the lines above, "abastan=E7a" wasn't added to Vim's word list. To avoid
> a huge pt_PT.diff file, I deleted the information before generating
> the pt_BR.orig.dic file. Is that ok?


Yes, deleting that extra information is good.  I didn't want to support
this in Vim, because it may hide mistakes.

Unfortunately, when I run Aap, applying the diff fails.  It looks like
the diff was made for another pt_PT.aff file.  The one that was
downloaded looks like this:

TRY aerisontcdmlupvgbfzáhçqjíxãóéêâúõACMPSBTELGRIFVDkHJONôywUKXZWQÁYÍÉàÓèÂÚ
KEY qwertyuiop|asdfghjkl|zxcvbnm

The diff expects:

  SET ISO8859-1
- TRY aerisontcdmlupvgbfzáhçqjíxãóéêâúõACMPSBTELGRIFVDkHJONôywUKXZWQÁYÍÉàÓèÂÚ
Also, the .aff file has lots of trailing text.  Are we using the same

I have made an attempt in fixing this.  Please check the files on the
ftp server: ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/runtime/spell/pt/

Also check spell suggestions with the generated .spl file.

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