Frush wrote:
> We tracked down the issue to a change in the file src/ex_getln.c.

Vimboss is Bram Moolenaar, the author of Vim.

I noticed your first post and reproduced the issue, but have no
idea what the correct behaviour should be. The thread is:

The issue concerns the result from this ex input:

    X \\

The ex command 'a' (which is :a in Vim) appends the following
lines (starting with 'X' and 'Y'), stopping at the '.' line.

In Vim (entering :a) you get two lines appended:
    X \\

When fed via stdin to 'ex' by the shell, the result is one line:
    X \...@y

When you do this, you get a NULL byte where "^@" is shown above.
Clearly some tricky quoting is going on, and the newline ends up
in its internal representation (a zero byte).

The above summary might prompt someone to look at the issue, but
people are distracted by the impending release of Vim 7.3.
If you get no answer, I suggest trying again in a month.


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