> Hi Lech,
> I dont know why the Athena GUI is not supported by netbeans. I guess
> the main problem is having to install Athena in order to test the
> implementation. Since both GUI_MOTIF and GUI_ATHENA use Xlib, most of
> the netbeans code should be the same for both configurations.
> Is it possible to build simply gvim-athena without having to
> install too much athena stuff ?

Athena used to come with a standard X distribution.  I don't know if
it still does, but I'm willing to bet that it's still there.  Just
look for "Xaw" (X Athena Widgets).

I'm one of the people that worked quite a bit on the Athena
implementation for Vim 6.0 (baloons, better pulldown menus, toolbar,
etc), so yes, Athena and Motif both use Xt, so the similarities allow
much code to be shared.  However, the Vim C code has to be written
that way, and not be surrounded by FEAT_GUI_MOTIF.  In most of the
code I wrote, I assumed that if FEAT_GUI_MOTIF wasn't defined, then
you were using the Athena widgets.

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