Kikuchan wrote:

> I'm playing with complete() function, and I've found a bug in it.
> Acording to :help complete, it says:
> --------
>     inoremap <F5> <C-R>=ListMonths()<CR>
>     func! ListMonths()
>       call complete(col('.'), ['January', 'February', 'March',
>         \ 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September',
>         \ 'October', 'November', 'December'])
>       return ''
>     endfunc
>               This isn't very useful, but it shows how it works.  Note that
>               an empty string is returned to avoid a zero being inserted.
> --------
> After loading this inoremap and function, and then I press F5 key,
> it shows and selects a first row of the list as a default.
> But sometimes when I press F5 again, it shows and selects a *second* row
> of the list as a default.
> How to reproduce:
>     <F5><C-P><C-E><F5>
> I think this is a bug because the last <C-P> sets compl_direction variable
> in edit.c to BACKWARD, and it is misused to build up a list for completion
> on next complete() function call.
> The attached file contains a simple patch to fix it.
> # just one line, add 'compl_direction = FORWARD;'
> ... BTW, I need an extra feature for compelte() function.
> The complete() function doesn't allow an element that is empty.
> But, I want to show the elements have empty 'word', but non-empty 'abbr'.
> so I proposed to add 'empty' key, like 'dup' key.
> Bram, could you include this harmless feature, please? ;)
> See the attached patch for more details.
> It's very simple, and it doesn't change any default behavior.

I'll add a note in the todo list to look into this.

ZOOT:  I'm afraid our life must seem very dull and quiet compared to yours.
       We are but eightscore young blondes, all between sixteen and
       nineteen-and-a-half, cut off in this castle, with no one to protect us.
       Oooh.  It is a lonely life ... bathing ...  dressing ... undressing ...
       making exciting underwear....
                 "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD

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