Hello Ben

Ben Schmidt <mail_ben_schm...@yahoo.com.au> wrote on Do, Mär 10, 2011 at 
12:04:50 +1100:
>On 9/03/11 1:00 AM, Sebastian Humenda wrote:
>>I would like to make a suggestion for the graphical Vim. When using
>>Orca, a screenreader for the graphical desktop, I can't use GVim.
>>Since the menu's and button's are written in GTK+, there are perfectly
>>usable, but not the main text body. This is quite logical: GTK+ has
>>built-in the ATK library to report information about the program
>>directly to AT-SPI ->  Orca. As my understanding is, it would be only
>>necessary, that GVim reports the kind and the content of the text body
>>(the actual opened file) to AT-SPI, using the AT-SPI library. There
>>has just to be someone who has some experience with GTK and wants to
>>help out.
>>There are several blind and visual impaired people who have suggested
>>this, since they are forced to work on the command line (and the
>>terminal is no real alternative with Orca). Actually, the missing
>>accessibility in GVim is the reason for me to work on the console
>>instead of working at the graphical desktop.
>I'm not sure this is all that easy.
>Some similar issues were discussed with relation to MacVim on the
>vim_mac list, though. Search for posts by yvonne thomson on that list
Mac and windows are in general a absolutely different scenario: on Mac
and Windows the screenreader is trying to gather information from the
graphics card. On GNOME, you have this AT-SPI-Daemon which is getting
the information about the screen from the ATK-library, which is e. g.
built into GTK+. The program is directly sending the information.
So the problems Yvonne Thomson reported are the usual problems of a
screenreader gathering information from the graphics card and
detecting it as inaccessible because it is not used to the "graphical
layout" etc.

Maybe the implementation is not as easy as I think, but the problem
currently is that Vim doesn't report anything to AT-SPI and therefore
there is nothing shown, neither in the insert nor in the visual mode.

Thanks for any further hints/help
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