On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 08:24:05PM -0400, Steve Hall wrote:
> On Fri, 2011-03-18 at 18:35 -0400, James Vega wrote:
> > 
> > The default vimrc is no vimrc.
> ...except on Windows...

That's an implementation detail of the installer which can be disabled
by the user.  There's no requirement for there to be $VIM/_vimrc.

> > There's an example vimrc that the installer installs to $VIM (which
> > one can change through the "Advanced" install options).
> >
> > Part of the confusion, IMO, is that, on Windows, Vim treats
> > $VIM/_vimrc as an alternative location for the user's vimrc instead
> > of as the system-wide vimrc. So, unlike on unix-like platforms,
> > $VIM/_vimrc is *only* sourced if $HOME/_vimrc doesn't exist instead
> > of always being sourced.
> I'm a little confused here, unless the user adds $HOME/_vimrc, then
> $VIM/_vimrc will be sourced by default, no? Which means there IS a
> default vimrc on Windows.

See above reply.  There are two default locations for a vimrc on Windows
($HOME/_vimrc and $VIM/_vimrc, in order), which seems unnecessary to me.

If there are to be system-wide defaults, they should be in $VIM/vimrc.
If a user wants a base vimrc to be installed for them when they install
Vim, they should explicitly enable that in the installer and it should
be installed to $HOME/_vimrc.

Having different behavior on different platforms when one of Vim's
selling points is that it is a very portable editor doesn't make sense.
There are obviously going to be system-dependent features/functionality,
but the overall functionality should be consistent across platforms.

> > The other bit is that the Windows installers (both yours and
> > Bram's), have decided to use this to, by default, coddle new users
> > by installing a vimrc to $VIM/_vimrc enabling a bunch of options to
> > make Vim act more like a typical Windows application. That may be
> > the right thing to do for new users, and leave the more experienced
> > users to unselect that option (as I do) when installing Vim on a new
> > Windows system. It depends on what learning curve you want to
> > present to new users.
> Our installer is simply trying to duplicate the default Vim installer
> behavior. Whatever gets decided for the default will get adapted to
> ours.

Right, I wasn't trying to call you out specifically.  I realize this is
also the behavior in the standard installer.

> I also agree that the mswin option is confusing. I don't think that
> keeping it makes Vim any more understandable. (One of the reasons
> Cream was originally developed.) It forks the default Vim behavior by
> platform. (Ironically, Cream was developed to maintain the standard
> CUA behavior + features ACROSS platforms.)
> But then, should &nocompatible be set by default on Windows, too?

If I remember correctly, the installed vimrc sources vimrc_example.vim,
so &nocompatible is set.

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