On Thu, Sep 08, 2011 at 08:06:39PM +1000, Tim Starling wrote:
> First of all, belated thanks to Bram for applying my patch in July
> 2010 to fix GtkFileChooser (2301:6f63294a1781).
> I upgraded recently from Ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04. After the upgrade, I
> noticed that GtkFileChooser was broken in gvim. The problem is rather
> strange: when you navigate from one directory to another, about 30-50%
> of the time it fails to actually go to the directory. The button is
> highlighted, but the main file listing stays the same. The problem
> occurs when double-clicking the directory in the main file listing,
> clicking a shortcut, or clicking one of the parent buttons at the top
> of the box. When it happens on double-click, the mouse cursor changes
> to "busy" until you do something to make it change back.
> I naturally assumed that it's my fault, so I investigated. It looks
> like it's not my fault.
> I discovered that it only happens when vim forks. The problem goes
> away if you use gvim -f. So I asked on IRC what the standard procedure
> is for early forking of a GTK+ app. The well-known GTK+ developer
> Emmanuele Bassi told me to fork before gtk_init() since there are some
> known issues with forking after gtk_init().

A bug about this interaction was posted to Fedora's bugzilla[0] a couple
years ago, but I guess it never made it to the list.  As Lennart
explains, it's a general problem with initializing a library and then
using it across a fork.  The problems are likely just more apparent with

I had meant to look into this when I first found the RedHat bug, but
never got around to it.  Thanks for bringing up the discussion and
potential ideas.

[0]: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=488652
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