On Thu, Nov 03, 2011 at 09:57:01AM -0400, Taylor Hedberg wrote:
> I noticed that problem myself, but it went away when I set
> ttymouse=urxvt rather than its default (in urxvt), which is xterm2. Not
> that your patch isn't worthwhile, but setting the option appropriately
> can serve as a workaround in the interim.

The problem my patch is addressing is ensuring the mouse is still usable
when 'ttymouse' is set to something other than xterm/xterm2 (which are
correct values in my case, since I use xterm).

As of 7.3.343, ttymouse gets set to xterm2 in urxvt and in 7.3.353 it
gets set to xterm.  So, it looks like the auto-detection still needs
some work.

> Also, the urxvt setting for 'ttymouse' isn't documented, so it's
> difficult to discover right now. I sent a tiny patch a few days ago
> adding a mention of it in options.txt, but more/better documentation is
> really needed.

Well, ideally people wouldn't have to know about 'ttymouse' and the
detection Just Works. :)

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