On 27-Jan-2012 13:54:45 +0100, Marc Weber wrote:

>> If you happen upon a plugin that simply does something like this:
>>     nnoremap <C-x><C-p> :call <SID>MyFunc()<CR>
> one line
>> Kindly ask the plugin author to change it into this:
>>     nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(PluginNameMappingName) :call <SID>MyFunc()<CR>
>>     if ! hasmapto('<Plug>(PluginNameMappingName)', 'n')
>>     nmap <C-x><C-p> <Plug>(PluginNameMappingName)
>>     endif
> 4 lines

Yes, there is a certain amount of boilerplate code that plugin authors have to
write (g:loaded_name guard, s:save_cpo, to name the common ones). But this has
never bothered me much, and isn't excessive when compared to other languages.

> My vision is:
>   - less docs
>   - clean interface which can be read and understand by users
>   - follow the principle "Don't repeat yourself".
> Your solution works - but is hard to read.

This is the official recommendation, followed by almost all plugins on vim.org.
Though - like much in Vim(script) - it has an initial learning curve, I haven't
heard many complaints about it.

> Do you call this being an improvement? With my suggestion the user could
> remap it without any additional effort himself. This would keep the
> interfaces of plugins much cleaner. Yes - you can define your own
> Noremap commands - but isn't creating mappings and providing interfaces
> and allowing customizations the most trivial feature Vim should provide?

As an example, I have the following remappings in my .vimrc:

    nmap <Leader>#/ <Plug>MarkRegex
    nmap <F5> <Plug>ShowScratchBuffer
    map ,W  <Plug>(smartword-w)
    nmap <Leader>tC <Plug>Colorizer

To me, that's as concise and simple as it can get.

But go ahead, implement an alternative, and present the patch here for
discussion. (And be prepared to have a compelling story for backward
compatibility, interoperability and migration of existing plugins, as Bram
thankfully takes these things very serious.)
However, your apparent lack of knowledge about the customary <Plug> idiom
suggests to me that you could rather try out that accepted way first, and maybe
learn to like it eventually. Stay calm, it takes some time until enlightenment 

-- regards, ingo

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