
I had send this to bugs AT vim.org,but I'm not sure if this address is to
continue working.

When I was edit English text I has this strang character.

These are excerpt ( 3000+  lines total ):*
> *So just what is it about Susan that the people find so fascinating?\\*
> *Arguably, it is the fact she is such a class act.\\*
> * However, many have suggested that her biggest appeal lies in her
> unassuming persona.\\*

What I edited that was used as .tex for LaTeX. So there are "\\" at the end
of each line.
I want to share the content with others in the format such as .txt or .doc.
I want to delete the "\\".

I edit in vim as follows:
C-v -> S-g -> S-$ ,then S-A ,then Backspace*2 ,Esc

However, the \\ are still there. *( The "\\" has been deleted now, using
":%s/\\\\//g". Thanks SHLUG! )*
What was worse, a strang char appered behind the "\\" in each line.
Like this:

> *So just what is it about Susan that the people find so fascinating?\\1*
> * Arguably, it is the fact she is such a class act.\\1*
> * However, many have suggested that her biggest appeal lies in her
> unassuming persona.\\1*

When I discussed in Shanghai LUG Mail-list (shlug AT googlegroups) , other
friends also had the different char appered.
A friend YiYun( lilydjwg AT gmail ) think the char was the one under the
cursor before I typed Esc.

We think it's a bug.

I use lubuntu 11.10, Vim 7.3, edit in terminal (Guake).

Best, Yuanchen Xie.



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