sfosparky wrote:
> + IF one uses one of Flare's internal GUI editors, AND one
> also uses GVim for Windows to simultaneously edit the same
> file, THEN Flare gets "confused"

I am not at all surprised by that! One BIG problem is that the
user (you) is also sure to get confused at some critical time
(when editing under stress), and you will do something that ends
up losing work.

The others are probably working because they overwrite the file
in place. Vim defaults to a more robust strategy: it renames the
original file, then writes to the name of the original file,
then renames everything, then decides what to do with the old
file (there is an option to keep it as backup). Flare would be
looking in the original file, and not in the file that now has
the same name.

It's a long time since I have looked at the options for this,
and I can't find a quick reference. Someone will add details.


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