Am 22.10.2012 17:12, schrieb Benjamin Fritz:
The help for gn and gN says that gn searches " with n"
and that gN "searches backward, like with N". But when you do a
backward search with ? instead of /, n moves the cursor backwards, and
N moves it forwards. gn and gN do not behave accordingly, they
continue to move forward with gn and backwards with gN. I think the
behavior would be more intuitive if it accounted for the search
direction like n and N, but at the very least, a documentation update
is needed.

One more small inconsistency:

When there is no previous search string, both  n/N and gn/gN give
an error message "E35: No previous regular expression" (ok),
but in addition, gn/gN beeps (not ok, n/N doesn't beep).


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