On 01/02/13 02:48, toothpik wrote:
for me, version.c was not updated when I pulled this update -- I didn't
expect much since I don't build
for mzscheme, but at least version should have updated


Neither do I (the script I source before building includes the line

export CONF_OPT_MZSCHEME='--disable-mzschemeinterp'

), but for me it was. There was a change to version.c in the patch as published by email, and the same change is present in the Mercurial repository, as I just checked by doing

        hg diff -r v7-3-797 -r v7-3-798

and scrolling to the bottom. How do you update your Vim source? (I do it by Mercurial, see


). Oh, and BTW, on which OS are you? (I'm on openSUSE Linux 12.1 x86_64)

Best regards,
I can read your mind, and you should be ashamed of yourself.

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