On Feb 5, 2013, at 9:57 AM, Charles Campbell wrote:

> Dominique Pellé wrote:
>> Charles Campbell wrote:
>>> Hello!
>>> I upgraded from 784 to 798 -- (and am doing without gtk, so I'm using the
>>> motif).
>>> What should I do to eliminate the following two messages that I get when I
>>> fire up vim:
>>> Warning:
>>>     Name: subMenu
>>>     Class: XmCascadeButton
>>>     Illegal mnemonic character;  Could not convert X KEYSYM to a keycode
>>> Warning:
>>>     Name: subMenu
>>>     Class: XmCascadeButton
>>>     Illegal mnemonic character;  Could not convert X KEYSYM to a keycode
>>> I'm getting these with
>>>  vim -u NONE -g
>>> Thank you,
>>> Chip Campbell


It's been a long time since I was doing any motif or Xt development, but this 
is complaining about a mnemonic character, and unless your X environment is 
really weird, that means hitting Meta + a single character. If your keyboard 
layout requires you to hit Meta + some key combination to produce that 
character, you wouldn't be able to have Meta + that character.  IIRC, if the 
character is produced by a key combination rather than a single key press, you 
might get the same error.  I would suggest looking through all of the menus in 
VIM for any underlined characters that you can't type with a single key press, 
as that's probably the problem.  Given the name is "subMenu" it's probably for 
a menu or submenu, not for an action item (but I haven't looked at the relevant 
section of vim source, so that's just a guess!).  If you can locate the one 
(it's probably just one), you should be able to determine if it's hard-coded, 
in a resources file somewhere, or both, and then set up a resources file to 
override with something more appropriate, or edit the resources file.


PS Most of the time "Meta" is now a reference to the "Alt" key, but that might 
not be true. :)

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