Christian Brabandt wrote:

> > > Bram,
> > > one of my annoyances with vim currently is, that when using n/N for 
> > > searching the direction depends on the previous search command. But I 
> > > usually forget if I initially used / or ? and then my brain gets stuck 
> > > whether I need to press n to search backwards or N. (e.g. I start a 
> > > search backwards using '?' and want to go further upwards and press 
> > > routinely 'N', but this moves back downwards again).
> > > 
> > > I find it easier to know that n searches downwards while N searches 
> > > upwards, since I usually only know whether I want to go further down or 
> > > up, so I can reliably hit n to go further down and N to go further up to 
> > > the next match.
> > > 
> > > This is what the attached patch enables, by adding the new flag 'N' to 
> > > the 'cpo' setting.
> > 
> > Well, instead of adding an option, what about:
> > 
> >     :noremap n /<CR>
> >     :noremap N ?<CR>
> > 
> I wouldn't call this intuitively:

It seems the main objection is that the search history is affected.
A generic solution to that would be a command modifier that does not
store the pattern in history.

We could also avoid storing an empty string in search history, even
without a modifier.  Searching for an empty string is useless.

Actually, now that I try it I don't see the empty string being stored.
Tim apparently used // instead of /.  I don't see why.

DENNIS: Oh, very nice. King, eh!  I expect you've got a palace and fine
        clothes and courtiers and plenty of food.  And how d'you get that?  By
        exploiting the workers! By hanging on to outdated imperialist dogma
        which perpetuates the social and economic differences in our society!
                 "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
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