On Wed, 20 Feb 2013, Ken Takata wrote:

There are some solutions for this problem:

1. Use Make_cyg.mak instead of Make_ming.mak and use Unix-style paths:

 $ make -f Make_cyg.mak PERL=/cygdrive/c/strawberry/perl

I used to build using Make_cyg.mak but stopped in recent months because it no longer worked for me when including one of the scripting interpreters. I include Perl, Python and Ruby, but I can't remember which broke. About the same time Make_ming.mak _started_ working for me when it didn't before.

2. Use Make_ming.mak and use Windows-like paths:

 $ make -f Make_ming.mak PERL=c:/strawberry/perl

No, this does not work when using Cygwin's mingw, due to how Make_ming.mak is designed. It uses $(PERL) to build other paths which are passed as arguments to the compiler and so on.

Basically I'm using a Unix-like environment to "cross compile" a native Windows binary, so the build process requires valid "Unix" paths, but when it calls on the _native_ Windows installation of Perl's xsubpp to generate if_perl.c, that one location in the makefile requires a native Windows path.

I also had to tweak GvimExt/Make_ming.mak to change CXX from
$(CROSS_COMPILE)g++-3 to $(CROSS_COMPILE)g++, in case anybody else is having troulble getting GvimExt to compile with a build environment similar to mine.

I think 'CXX=$(CROSS_COMPILE)g++' is the default.

That may be something I changed in the past and forgot about.

- Christian

             Happiness, like misery, is usually self-inflicted.
Christian J. Robinson <hept...@gmail.com>      http://christianrobinson.name/

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