On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 6:56 PM, Suresh Govindachar

>       My c:\opt is not below the pwd.  Anyway, for the test,
>       leave path at the default value of ".,,".
>   >   :pwd
>   >   D:\foo
>       When starting from d:, :pwd will show d:\
>   > Now doing
>     In gvim, open file d:\foo\opt\vim\fish.txt
>     Then try the following
>          :find foo[hit <tab>]
>     and
>          :find *foo*[hit <tab>]

I can reproduce this with my gvim 7.3.46 (on linux vim 7.3.892 there's no
problem). I'll investigate and hopefully post a fix soon.


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