> Another benefit would be (as I remember) that it would be possible to
> pass around Funcrefs to script-local functions and be able to just
> invoke them in any scope without the current workarounds of expanding <SID>.

Not this. Workaround with expanding <SID> was merged AFAIR and it does not 
matter much whether it is a workaround or not as it works (well, it will matter 
when refactoring, but not from the view point of VimL users).

It has another huge benefit that you once you got obtained new-style funcref 
you can no longer fear that somebody will undefine or redefine the referenced 
function. Though if this matters for compatibility reasons I can have both 
new-style funcrefs and keep this problem: just have void* point to function 
name and keep functions used previously in fv_func_def (in this thread I named 
it ob_type) structure.

Next benefit is unified garbage-collecting.

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