I wanted to update our tip[1] on building Vim in Windows with
Visual Studio to use VS 2012 Express, as well as VSE2010.

While doing that I noticed that there is a double percent (%%)
in two batch files, and I'm pretty sure it is wrong. The extra
percent is ignored, so nothing bad happens, but if someone would
confirm my conclusion, Bram may want to replace "%%" with "%" in


For msvc2010.bat, the line is:
    call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%%vsvars32.bat"
but it should be:
    call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%vsvars32.bat"

I have temporarily abandoned my plan to update the tip because
VSE2012 does not include Win32.mak, and after following some
advice about getting that file with the SDK, I now have warnings
about conflicting definitions in the Windows headers (nothing to
do with Vim, and harmless, but very irritating). I'll try to
sort that out another time (I'm wondering if I have a mixture of
x86 and x64 headers, and whether the problem is due to that).

[1] http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Build_Vim_in_Windows_with_Visual_Studio


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