Dimitar Dimitrov wrote:

> Hi list,
> 1. vim -nNX -u NONE
> 2. :se ve=all
> 3. 3otest<esc>
> 4. g$
> Then I expect k to move me up in the same column but it goes at $ in
> the previous line.
> Note: in step 4 if I move to g$ using lllll.... then k moves the
> cursor correctly
> Cheers
> PS:
> VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4a BETA (2013 Jul 6, compiled JulĀ  8 2013 13:51:44)
> Included patches: 1-2

It only works that way after:
        :set nowrap

It is documented, but it's not really what one expects.

   [The mighty ARMY charges.  Thundering noise of feet.  Clatter of coconuts.
   Shouts etc.   Suddenly there is a wail of a siren and a couple of police
   cars roar round in front of the charging ARMY and the POLICE leap out and
   stop them.  TWO POLICEMAN and the HISTORIAN'S WIFE.  Black Marias skid up
   behind them.]
HISTORIAN'S WIFE: They're the ones, I'm sure.
                 "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD

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