> > Hi,
> >
> > Found that many default compiler plugins lacked the makeprg setting.
> > I basically opened a perl file, then a c file and tried to compile it with 
> > :mak
> > and it tried to use perl -c
> > this patch fixes it for gcc:
> >
> > *** gcc.vim    2013-07-23 12:32:14.000000000 +0100
> > --- /tmp/gcc.vim    2013-07-23 12:32:08.453563055 +0100
> > ***************
> > *** 11,16 ****
> > --- 11,17 ----
> >  let s:cpo_save = &cpo
> >  set cpo&vim
> >
> > + CompilerSet makeprg=gcc\ %\ $*
> >  CompilerSet errorformat=
> >        \%*[^\"]\"%f\"%*\\D%l:%c:\ %m,
> >        \%*[^\"]\"%f\"%*\\D%l:\ %m,
> For C programs, 'makeprg' should not be gcc, it should be make.  The
> makefile specifies the compiler and how it is to compile the
> program.

Ok, I realize it now. I should have used a Makefile. Also the message states it.
But in fact there is still an issue. If you fist open a perl file (as an 
and right after you open a c file, makeprg is not updated. Is this intentional 
and the user is supposed to run :comp gcc?

> Regards,
> Gary


GPG Key: 2048R/160C6FA8 2012-10-11 Dimitar Dimitrov (kurkale6ka) 

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