On Thu, August 15, 2013 15:53, Dimitar DIMITROV wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I've noted this behaviour with omaps: in my omap I jump to a place in
>>> the
>>> buffer, then after an if test I select visually something. So all is
>>> good
>>> when
>>> the test succeds and only the visual area gets modified. Now if the
>>> test
>>> fails, no visual selection is created and the omap acts on my motion in
>>> the buffer
>>> instead of being cancelled. Is there a way to tell in the test, if it
>>> fails to cancel the omap?
>>I think this question belongs on the vim_use list.
>>Try returning Esc.
>>BTW: Have you tried the patch yet?
> Hi Christian,
> Sorry for not doing the test earlier, just tried and yes your patch fixes
> the issue (gUgn) thanks!
> Could you explain how to return esc and ok, I will ask next time in the
> right list.
> I tried: return '<esc>', execute ':normal! <esc>', feedkeys("\<cr>") and
> none worked

Either try returning a literal Esc, e.g.
return "^[" where ^[ is *one* char, which can typed by pressing Ctrl-V
followed by Esc
or alternatively, return "\<Esc>" should also work.


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