Christian Brabandt wrote:

> On Di, 13 Aug 2013, Christian Brabandt wrote:
> > On Tue, August 13, 2013 01:00, Einar Lielmanis wrote:
> > > Encrypted file contents are destroyed, if something (e.g autocmd)
> > > triggers write event, while user is being asked for password.
> > >
> > > To repro:
> > > 1. have an encrypted.txt ready (:X)
> > > 2. gvim, :au focuslost * w
> > > 3. :e encrypted.txt, don't type in the password yet,
> > > 4. lose window focus, e.g via switching to another window, to trigger
> > >    the focuslost event,
> > >
> > > Expected:
> > > The file hasn't changed, so it should stay unmodified,
> > >
> > > Actual behavior:
> > > encrypted.txt is truncated to a zero size.
> > 
> > 
> > I don't see this. Using Vim 7.4 on Windows I get
> > vim -u NONE -N -i NONE
> > :au FocusLost * w
> > :e encrypted.txt
> > (change Focus)
> > Error detected while processing FocusLost Auto commands for "*":
> > E505: "c:\temp\encrypted.txt" is read-only (add ! to override)
> > "c:\temp\encrypted.txt" [crypted] 2L, 13C
> > 
> > 
> > In any case, the file is *not* written.
> > 
> > If you used au FocusLost * :w! the file is indeed truncated
> > but even then after entering the correct password Vim can read
> > the encrypted file (but you would need to make sure
> > you have written the file or else you would be left with an empty
> > file).
> Hm, on Linux, it indeed truncates the encrypted file.
> Anybody else sees this difference?
> Wouldn't it be a good idea, to have the file set readonly for as long it 
> hasn't been encrypted (e.g. the current windows behaviour)?

You mean, until it has been decrypted.  That makes sense.
Actually, when a file is encrypted and the user just hits enter and the
prompt for the key, it should also be marked as readonly.

>From "know your smileys":
 =):-)  Uncle Sam

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