On 17 Sep 2013 21:21, "Adnan Zafar" <adnanjza...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 12:24 AM, Duncan de Wet <duncande...@gmail.com>
> > On Monday, 16 September 2013 21:47:32 UTC+12, ZyX  wrote:
> >
> > > This is controlled by formatoptions settings, see :h fo-table. Set
'list' with 'listchars' containing 'trail:-' to make them easy to spot.
> >
> > I already have those options set, hence why I noticed the bug in the
first place. I cannot find any options in :h fo-table relating to leaving
whitespace at the end of lines when wrapping occurs; reasonably so as there
is no reason you would want to anyway.
> Specifically the w flag causes this behavior. It makes Vim leave
> trailing whitespace alone, which allows the user to have some
> flexibility when it comes to formatting and Vim's rigid notions of
> what a paragraph is.
> > > Note that it is not a vim issue. If you take this as a problem it is
problem in your configuration.
> >
> > It seems like a vim issue to me as it occurs in the PHP filetype but
not others, under identical configurations.
> Editing a PHP file and checking from where and to what formatoptions
> is set with `:verbose set fo?`, I see that w is indeed included, and
> it's set from indent/php.vim. So it would appear that you should
> contact the maintainer of that file.
> --Adnan Zafar

Is this not the right place to contact the maintainer of that file?

| Duncan de Wet

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