Hi all,

I know this subject has been addressed a number of times, it's in the todo 
list, it's in the faq also and even there is a workaround suggested in the wiki.

I just would like to add that I've been dealing with it for a time now using 
foldmethod=expr with an expression that gets some hints from the syntax engine 
by means of synID and related methods. The performance is good even if folding 
is still relying on the syntax engine. But I've never implemented a generic 
solution based on this idea, that is an expression that looks for a fold syntax 
item in the current line in a language agnostic way. I don't think that it's 
possible because I don't know of a way to retrieve the fold flag from a syntax 
item and also start/end matches could be 0-length and so have no representative 
char in the current line. But in general the approach seems to work reasonable 
well as a workaround. exprs are much easier to write when you can get advantage 
of syntactic hints at strategic points.

What do you think about this approach? I'm afraid it could incur the same 
performance issues that foldmethod=syntax although, in practice, it didn't. 
I've no idea why this is so.

Anyway +1 for the slow syntax folding issue.


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