On 05:06 Mon 14 Oct     , Ben Fritz wrote:
> On Monday, October 14, 2013 5:59:48 AM UTC-5, Michael Henry wrote:
> > All,
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > I've been wondering about the use of CTRL-C regarding timers.
> > 
> > There has been a lot of discussion on ways to regain control in
> > 
> > the face of a runaway timer, which is of course an important
> > 
> > consideration.  I've been wondering, however, about any negative
> > 
> > effects of accidental cancellation.  If I understand correctly, when
> > 
> > a user presses CTRL-C while a timer happens to be running, that
> > 
> > timer will be canceled and not rescheduled.  Can this happen
> > 
> > accidentally when the user is pressing CTRL-C for other reasons
> > 
> > (e.g., to abandon an ex-mode command he was typing)?  Since
> > 
> > timers might be running at arbitrary times, how can a user be
> > 
> > sure it's safe to press CTRL-C without running the risk of canceling
> > 
> > a timer by mistake?  Should it require multiple CTRL-C presses in
> > 
> > a row before aborting current and future timers, or is there some
> > 
> > other way to make sure the user won't accidentally cancel timers
> > 
> > that are operating properly?
> > 
> > 
> I think this is a valid concern.
> I'm not exactly sure how this works now, I remember discussion about a list 
> of canceled timers. Perhaps a single invocation could be canceled allowing 
> this list to be displayed, then a second CTRL-C would be required (with the 
> list displayed) to actually cancel all future invocations as well.

And what about i^c (<c-c> in the insert mode).  Will it cancel timers or go
to normal mode?

Best regards,

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