
I'd like to propose the attached ftplugin for XXD I've been using for 
a long time.  The plugin highlights the corresponding hexadecimal 
representation for the character the cursor is on and the other way 


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" Vim filetype plugin file
" Language:    XXD
" Maintainer:  Lech Lorens <lech.lor...@gmail.com>
" Last Change: 2014 Feb 4

" When the cursor is in the hexadecimal data representation, highlights the
" corresponding character in the ASCII column.
" When the cursor is in the ASCII column, highlights the corresponding two
" hexadecimal digits in the hex data area.

" Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")

" Don't load another plugin for this buffer
let b:did_ftplugin = 1

" Line continuations...
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo-=C

augroup xxdhighlight
        autocmd! CursorMoved,CursorMovedI,WinEnter <buffer> call 
augroup END

function! XxdHighlightMatching()
        let [buf,c_lnum,col,off] = getpos('.')
        let line = substitute(getline('.'), '\v\s', ' ', 'g')

        let addr = substitute(line, '\v(^\x+:\s+).*', '\1', '')
        let addrLen = strlen(substitute(addr, '.', 'x', 'g'))

        let col -= addrLen

        3match none

        if col <= 0

        let rest = substitute(line, '\v^\x+: +(.*)', '\1', '')

        " Let's check whether the cursor is in the hex representation part or in
        " the ASCII representation part of the line.

        let hexPairs = substitute(rest, '\v^(%(\x+ ?)+).*', '\1', '')
        let onlyHex = substitute(hexPairs, ' ', '', 'g')
        let hexBytes = strlen(onlyHex) / 2
        let hexPart = substitute(rest, '\v^(.*).{' . hexBytes . '}$', '\1', '')
        let hexLen = strlen(substitute(hexPart, '.', 'x', 'g'))

        if col <= hexLen
                " The cursor's in the hex part.
                let chars = split(hexPart, '\zs')
                if chars[col - 1] == ' '

                let charIdx = 0
                if col > 1
                        let hexBefore = substitute(hexPart, '\v^(.{' . (col - 
1) . '}).*',
                                    \ '\1', '')
                        let onlyHex = substitute(hexBefore, ' ', '', 'g')
                        let charIdx = strlen(onlyHex) / 2
                let c_col = addrLen + hexLen + charIdx + 1
                let c_after = c_col + 1
                " The cursor's in the ASCII part.
                let matchOffset = 0

                let charIdx = col - hexLen - 1
                if charIdx > 0
                        let hexBefore = substitute(hexPart,
                                    \ '\v^(%(\x\x ?){' . charIdx . '}).*',
                                    \ '\1', '')
                        let matchOffset += strlen(hexBefore)
                let c_col = addrLen + matchOffset + 1
                let c_after = c_col + 2

        exe '3match MatchParen /\v%' . c_lnum . 'l%' . c_col . 'c.*\ze%' . 
c_after . 'c/'

let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save

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