Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 218 by gVim docked window in Windows 7 "rebounding" on vsplit

 I'm using gVim 7.4 on Windows 7 and it happens this to me this:
 1. I launch gVim -u NONE
    and an OS-window opens at (let's call it so) "initial position"
2. I press WinL + left to position/accomodate the gVim OS-window on the left half side of the monitor (using Windows 7's window manager docking feature)
 3. I :vsplit, which also leads to a new scrollbar appearing on the left.
At the same time this makes the gVim OS-windows to "rebound", detaching from the Monitor left side and returning to the "initial position"

Thanks and greetings

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