Marc Montu wrote:

> > So, what is the problem?  Check the help for :wviminfo for what it's
> > 
> > expected to do, it's not obvious.
> I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. I was expecting that when I used
> `delmark` the mark would disappear, but it is coming back after
> restarting Vim, i.e:
> $ mv .viminfo{,.old}
> $ vim -N -u NONE -U NONE
> :h
> mA
> :marks
> -> mark A present
> :qall
> $ vim -N -u NONE -U NONE
> :marks
> -> mark A present
> :delmark A
> :marks
> -> mark A gone
> :q
> $ vim -N -u NONE -U NONE
> :marks
> -> mark A present -> expected it has been deleted
> This happens when there is a single instance of Vim running, so I
> understood that it is the same question on the referenced link, where
> Christian Brabandt wrote:
> "I think, some of the latest 7.3 patches changed how writing the
> viminfo file happened and how old data was being merged, which might
> have caused a regression.
> In any case, explicitly writing the viminfo file (using :wviminfo)
> should work, if not, please write a detailled description of what you
> did and what you expect to the developers list
> ("

When you exit Vim the existing viminfo will be merged with your current
state.  Thus if the viminfo contains an A mark and your current Vim
doesn't, the A mark in the viminfo file is kept.  This is intentional.
There is not much use in deleting the A mark in the viminfo file, and
keeping the last action would require storing a timestamp, which gets
too complicated.

Advice to worms:  Sleep late.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
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