On Wednesday, July 2, 2014 1:57:09 PM UTC-5, Ozaki Kiichi wrote:
> Hi.
> In regexp operation,
> \v and \V, in contrast with \c, \C, \m and \M, disable the preceding '$' 
> (end-of-line) atom.
> This seems to be inconsequence.
> " matching end-of-line
> echo 'hoge' =~# 'hoge$\m'       | " Expect 1, Result 1
> echo 'hoge' =~# 'hoge$\M'       | " Expect 1, Result 1
> echo 'hoge' =~# 'hoge$\v'       | " Expect 1, Result 0 <- ?
> echo 'hoge' =~# 'hoge$\V'       | " Expect 1, Result 0 <- ?

Shouldn't you need to escape the $ with a \ when using \V?

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